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Climate of Change: Interactions and Feedbacks between Water, Air, and Ice

Author(s): Cindy Shellito1, Becca Walker2, Cynthia Fadem3

1. University of Northern Colorado 2. Mt. San Antonio College 3. Earlham College

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In this two to three week module, students explore short-term climate variability resulting from atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions.

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Version 1.0 - published on 10 Jan 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4RT0F - cite this


This module has a positive focus on adaptations to climate change. Activities provide students opportunities to think locally, regionally, and globally. They drive thinking about climate change and social vulnerability. This leads to better informed citizens, empowered to make more responsible decisions. See an example adaptation activity.

Students use real, current ocean, atmosphere, and ice data to learn about climate change. Activities provide concrete ways to learn abstract concepts like uncertainty, anomalies, and feedback. Students consider questions about climate and society for which they can't Google the answer. See an example data-rich activity.

Activities get students out of their chairs. A diverse suite of activities (gallery walks, games, discussions, lab exercises, and small-group activities) provides students opportunities to be involved. This engages quieter students, and both professors and students have fun! See an example role-playing activity.

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