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For a Racially-Just, Inclusive, Open, STEM education: The RIOS Institute imagines an Open Education as the radical idea that education should be affordable, accessible, equitable, inclusive, and relevant to everyone

Author(s): Kaitlin Bonner1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Sam S Donovan3, Karen Cangialosi4, Krystie Wilfong5, Jasmine Roberts-Crews6, Jackson Skinner5, Alnycea Blackwell7, Sokona Mangane5, Carrie Diaz Eaton8

1. St. John Fisher University 2. Florida International University 3. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 4. Keene State College 5. Bates College 6. Ohio State University 7. RIOS 8. Bates College and QUBES

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As we engage in Open STEM Education, “Open for Whom?” becomes an increasingly urgent question. Why should we invest in an education that is free, if it does not attend to the inclusion of historically marginalized identities? Inclusive and…


As we engage in Open STEM Education, “Open for Whom?” becomes an increasingly urgent question. Why should we invest in an education that is free, if it does not attend to the inclusion of historically marginalized identities? Inclusive and socially-just science education should be part of the framework for investing in tomorrow’s science. The RIOS Institute (for Racially-Just, Inclusive, Open, STEM education) is a collaborative virtual organization that provides resources for STEM education and organization leaders to implement social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (SJEDI)-centered Open Education and Open Science pedagogy, materials, and resources. We work with, and provide support for, leaders to bring change to their communities by leveraging the Open Ecosystem, including Open Education, Open Pedagogy, and Open Science, rooted in inclusive and socially-just educational practices. RIOS supports Thought Leadership by providing funding and resources to working groups, builds leadership capacity within the community in Learning Community spaces (professional development) and builds Cross-Sector Partnerships connecting organization and people to share resources.

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Version 1.0 - published on 09 Nov 2022 doi:10.25334/MRVX-9W60 - cite this


This poster was presented at NABT 2022.

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