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UDL Working Group- BIOME 2022 - Lightning Talk

Author(s): Pat Marsteller1, Brian Bill2, Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond3, Lisa Rezende4, Susan Gass5

1. Emory University 2. Mississippi State University 3. AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships at NSF 4. University of Arizona 5. Dalhousie University, Earth and Environmental Science

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UDL Working Group from BIOME 2022's Lightning talk. They discuss what they did over the course of the semester.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 07 Dec 2022 doi:10.25334/CWNA-5Y65 - cite this


We invited any  BIOME 2022 member and any of our Spring 2022 FMN members to join up for this fall.

We discussed UDL principles, consider applying inclusive mapping to the case or curricular material and did a mapping activity & pinch point activity with the case you're revising (Tobin & Behling, 2018). We hoped to have also a Guide to identifying the nature of your students and what revisions might be first priority. Instead we worked on the resources for UDL including a new choose your own adventure game to introduce UDL principles (Brian Bill) and continued to work on resources and several case adaptations.

We plan to continue this spring and develop a new FMN as well as contribute to the Blueprint book project.



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