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Kindness Working Group Lightning Talk- BIOME 2022

Author(s): Pat Marsteller1, Stacey Kiser2, Pryce Norwood3, Molly Allison Phillips4, Deborah Rook4, Sara Sawyer5, Paula Soneral

1. Emory University 2. Lane Community College, BioQUEST 3. Old Dominion University 4. BioQUEST 5. Glenville State College

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Though we started by discussing Mica Estrada's talk about Kindness in academia, we learned and read and discussed so many things.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 08 Dec 2022 doi:10.25334/8AJ2-A624 - cite this


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