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BioTA Podcast Working Group Lightning Talk - YouTube

Author(s): Mary Mulcahy1, Carlos C. Goller2, J. Phil Gibson3

1. Univeristy of Pittsburgh 2. North Carolina State University 3. University of Oklahoma

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This lightning talk outlines out work to develop a set of podcasts and in0class activities. The podcast episodes on metagenomics in general are available. Additional resources and additional podcast episodes are in development!

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 21 Dec 2022 doi:10.25334/Q6KD-A610 - cite this


This resource provides two podcast episodes that can be used to introduce students to the concepts and techniques of metagenomic analyses.These are suitable for use in a flipped classroom setting.

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