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Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data

Author(s): Matthew Joshua Heard

Belmont University

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This module introduces students who are already familiar with GIS to doing comparative analyses with large-scale community science (often called citizen science) data sets. Students will explore how we can use community science data to examine the…


This module introduces students who are already familiar with GIS to doing comparative analyses with large-scale community science (often called citizen science) data sets. Students will explore how we can use community science data to examine the spread and distribution of invasive species in different geographic locations. In the final step, students will identify different invasive species and determine if community science data accurately maps the threat these species pose.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 21 Apr 2023 doi:10.25334/J3GM-W132 - cite this


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