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REMNet - A National Network for Integrating the Study of Microbiomes into Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (RCN-UBE Introduction)

Author(s): Theodore Muth1, Davida Smyth2, Avrom Caplan3

1. CUNY Brooklyn College (REMNet Team) 2. Texas A&M San Antonio 3. The City University of New York

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The mission of REMNet’s “Microbiomes for All!” is to serve as a centralized hub for information and resources on the integration of microbiome studies into the undergraduate curriculum. RemNet focusses on how microbiomes are studied and how data…


The mission of REMNet’s “Microbiomes for All!” is to serve as a centralized hub for information and resources on the integration of microbiome studies into the undergraduate curriculum. RemNet focusses on how microbiomes are studied and how data from microbiome projects can be analyzed by students.

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Version 1.0 - published on 15 May 2023 doi:10.25334/JX59-EQ90 - cite this