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Creating a Deeper Understanding of Big Geospatial Data, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and Community Science using Project Eddie Modules

Author(s): barb maclennan1, Frank LaFone1, William Harrison1

Fairmont State University

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This module uses the Project Eddie Module Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data developed by Heard, M. J. (2023) to create a deeper understanding of big geospatial data and volunteered geographic information (VGI) by…


This module uses the Project Eddie Module Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data developed by Heard, M. J. (2023) to create a deeper understanding of big geospatial data and volunteered geographic information (VGI) by embedding and Implementing the Project EDDIE Module on Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data or Other Project Eddue Modules into a cross-cutting curriculum for undergraduate students. Students in the upper-division courses completed the module while adapting it for a campus and community Global Citizen Science Month and Earth Day activity.  


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