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Revealing Hidden Figures in Natural History Collections Working Group 2023 Update!

Author(s): Adania Flemming1, Dr Pankaj Mehrotra2, Jennifer Kovacs3, Karina Sanchez4, Molly Allison Phillips5, Mary Mulcahy6, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick7, Makenzie Mabry8, Siobhan Leachman9, Jennifer Girón10

1. iDigBio, FLMNH 2. University of the People, California, United States of America 3. Spelman College 4. University of New Hampshire 5. BioQUEST 6. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 7. Tennessee Tech University 8. Florida Museum 9. Aotearoa New Zealand Wikimedia User Group 10. Texas Tech University

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Our 2023 BIOME Lightning Presentation sharing updates from the Hidden Figures Working Group including the first two published modules!

Licensed under CC Attribution 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 15 Dec 2023 doi:10.25334/1XC1-8D37 - cite this


A two minute video summarizing the progress made by the Hidden Figures Working Group. 

Find the first two modules that are now available:

An Introduction to Revealing Hidden Figures through Data Sleuthing

The Importance of an ORCID

Feel free to reach out at phillipsDOTmapATgmailDOTcom if you are interested implementing, adapting, or helping us create Hidden Figures resources. All are welcome! 

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