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Project Leadership Resources - Bringing Leadership Experiences into the Classroom

Author(s): Sheela Vemu1, Mary Mulcahy2, Dr Pankaj Mehrotra3, Carlos C. Goller4, Bharti Kaushik5, Heather Rissler6, Laurel Lorenz7

1. Waubonsee Community College - Tenure Track and Northern Illinois University 2. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 3. University of the People, California, United States of America 4. North Carolina State University 5. CIET NCERT India 6. KUMC and NIACC 7. Princeton

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The Project Leadership Program is a pedgagogical approach that is designed to improve teamwork through the integration of shared leadership experiences. The program involves three components: a web-based App called Project Leadership, active…


The Project Leadership Program is a pedgagogical approach that is designed to improve teamwork through the integration of shared leadership experiences. The program involves three components: a web-based App called Project Leadership, active engagement of student teams, and supportive coaching from instructors. This resource describes the program in more detail, shares user guides for the App, and provides examples of ways to integrate the program in different contexts.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 16 Jan 2024 doi:10.25334/VQJ3-4627 - cite this


The main resource contains a description of the Project Leadership Program and six different ways of adapting the program.  Additional files are designed to help you improve teamwork, collaboration, and leadership skills in your class. These files include 1) an overview of the program, 2) a user guide, 3) a library of leadership roles, 4) resources on providing and receiving constructive feedback, 5) a handout for creating team plans, and 6) a form for individual and team evaluation.

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