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Mysterious Occurrences: Representation, Resiliency, and Redundancy in Native Plant Populations

Author(s): Rhea Ewing1, Rachel Hackett2, Anna Monfils3

1. 2. Michigan Natural Features Inventory 3. Central Michigan University

Meet Dr. Rachel Hackett, a conservation plant biologist at the Michigan Natural Features Inventory.  We learn about Rachel's job and the restoration of threatened and endangered species. Rachel provides some examples of "new" populations and…


Meet Dr. Rachel Hackett, a conservation plant biologist at the Michigan Natural Features Inventory.  We learn about Rachel's job and the restoration of threatened and endangered species. Rachel provides some examples of "new" populations and students discuss ways to determine if the population is a remnant or introduced population. 

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 2.0 - published on 23 Apr 2024 doi:10.25334/HQZK-NC16 - cite this


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