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Introduction to Assessing Biodiversity: Bivalves of the Rio Grande Area

Author(s): Julie Marie Schlichte1, Elizabeth Walsh2, Vicky Zhuang

1. The University of Texas at El Paso 2. University of Texas at El Paso

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Learning to identify taxa is a key skill gained in many systematics classes. This module aims to introduce students to concepts and resources for identifying organisms and assessing species biodiversity. The activities use bivalve specimen and data…


Learning to identify taxa is a key skill gained in many systematics classes. This module aims to introduce students to concepts and resources for identifying organisms and assessing species biodiversity. The activities use bivalve specimen and data from the Rio Grande stored in natural history collections. Students are given a few mystery specimens that they will attempt to identify, learn how to read labels commonly found with museum specimens and extract information from those labels to map bivalves along the Rio Grande.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 24 Feb 2024 doi:10.25334/0YW6-9E65 - cite this



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