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Evaluation of DEIJ in Lectures of Junior Year Science Undergraduate Course

Author(s): Naziea Fruits1, Dr Pankaj Mehrotra2

1. Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 2. University of the People, California, United States of America

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Diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, DEIJ, is important for both students and faculty as they improve learning outcomes and elicit professional competency respectively. DEIJ implementation increases whole classroom holistic development.…


Diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, DEIJ, is important for both students and faculty as they improve learning outcomes and elicit professional competency respectively. DEIJ implementation increases whole classroom holistic development.  In this article we are showing some results ( like a model) from the integration of inclusive and equitable teaching within a 300 level interdisciplinary course, assessing the impact of the learning outcomes in group activities. Further, how much of DEIJ was influenced by these activities and interactions


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