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Learning Communities as a Driver for Humanizing STEM: Cultivating Authentic Conversations about Anti-Racism in Introductory Biology Pedagogy using Duoethnography

Author(s): Stephanie K. Levi Blumer1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Melissa Haswell3, Tess Killpack4, Lisa Urry5

1. Oakton College 2. Florida International 3. Delta College 4. Salem State University 5. Mills College at Northeastern

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In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in introductory biology curricula. The purpose of this…


In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in introductory biology curricula. The purpose of this qualitative duoethnography is to discuss the journey it has taken to develop our understanding and frame of mind that led us to teach disciplinary content with embedded anti-racism. Through our polyvocal discussion we are countering the outdated notion of science as objective and that science teaching needs to be void of humanity. We will explore how the learning community provided an opportunity for discourse with each other to interrogate anti-racism and its place in undergraduate STEM education.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 2.0 - published on 31 Jul 2024 doi:10.25334/RRQT-Q743 - cite this


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