Changes in Lake Ice: Ecosystem Response to Global Change
Author(s): Todd Levine1, Robert Bohanan2, Marianne Krasny3, Adam Welman3
1. Carroll University 2. University of Wisconsin 3. Cornell University
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Is there evidence for global warming in long term data on changes in dates of ice cover in three Wisconsin Lakes?
This activity uses ice cover records from three lakes in Madison, Wisconsin. Students work in groups to make predictions based on prior knowledge and assumptions, manipulate and summarize data, interpret the data by suggesting trends, and construct arguments from the data related to evidence of global change. In the main exercise, students work in small groups and attempt to see patterns in 20 years of data; all groups then combine data and only then can the long-term trend be seen.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Levine, T., Bohanan, R., Krasny, M., Welman, A. (2018). Changes in Lake Ice: Ecosystem Response to Global Change. ESA Data Discovery FMN (2018), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q47T3X