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CyVerse Tutorials for NEON Data Science Institute 2018

Author(s): Tyson Lee Swetnam1, Megan A. Jones2

1. University of Arizona BIO5 Institute, CyVerse 2. National Ecological Observatory Network

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NEON Data Science Institute 2018

Data intensive geospatial analysis on CyVerse

The purpose of these tutorials are to setup linux-based Virtual Machines (VMs) running on CyVerse Atmosphere, or XSEDE Jetstream. Users can launch interactive geospatial analyses with Jupyter Notebooks and RStudio-Server, or launch container based applications with Docker and Singularity.

Tutorial hosted by the CyVerse Learning Center.

Also, a Github Repository with demo Jupyter & RStudio notebooks. 


1.0 Initial publication on QUBES

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