
Profile picture of Sandi Connelly

Sandi Connelly created this post

Intro videos and terminology for GMOs, Transcription, Translation


Choose how you would like to engage your students in the subject of GMO’s and how that is related to protein production in organisms.  We do not suggest that you give them this entire list!  You should choose the resources that will best fit your students and your learning outcomes for your course. In our session we will consider how you might fit in these items with your curricular goals and to make the learning process accessible for your students, with a focus on the science of GMO’s and not on the controversy of GMO’s.

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Profile picture of Sandi Connelly

Sandi Connelly onto Resources for the Case Study

Resources for the Case Study

Materials for working on the case and supplemental activities

16 posts

Profile picture of Margaret Waterman

Margaret Waterman