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A Hardy-Weinberg based population genetics simulator. This program assumes a single gene and two alleles. Simulation of allele frequency changes similar to Felsenstein's Simul8 or PopG. Simulates changes in allele frequency based on violations of assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg.  A user may vary starting allele frequency, population size, genotypic fitness, mutation and migration rates and bottleneck population size. Allele frequencies for p and q are graphed for up to 5 populations. When a single population is simulated both allele frequency and genotype frequencies are graphed.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sheehy, R. 2015. Exploration and Hypothesis Testing of Population Genetics Principles through Computer Simulations.  In Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 36 (K. McMahon, ed.).  Proceedings of the 30th Workshop/Conference for the Association of Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE)

  • Bob Sheehy (2017), "Web Popgen,"

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