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  1. Sting, Carry and Stock: How Corpse Availability Can Regulate De-Centralized Task Allocation in a Ponerine Ant Colony

    20 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Istvan Karsai, Thomas Schmickl

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: develop a model to produce plausible patterns of task partitioning in the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum based on the availability of living prey and prey corpses. The...

  2. SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations

    20 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Brian Winkel

    SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations  is about teaching differential equations using modeling and technology upfront and throughout the learning process. You can learn more at our dynamic website,, where we...

  3. Population Genetics: When Darwin Met Mendel - Crash Course Biology

    03 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): CrashCourse

    This Youtube video talks about population genetics, which helps to explain the evolution of populations over time by combing the principles of Mendel and Darwin, and by means of the Hardy-Weinberg equation, all in an upbeat, modern and somewhat zany manner.

  4. Using Evolutionary Data in Developing Phylogenetic Trees: A Scaffolded Approach with Authentic Data

    01 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Kd Davenport, Kirsten Jane Milks, Rebecca Van Tassell

    Analyzing evolutionary relationships requires that students have a thorough understanding of evidence and of how scientists use evidence to develop these relationships. In this lesson sequence, students work in groups to process many different lines of evidence of evolutionary relationships...

  5. HHMI Teacher Guide: Math and Statistics

    23 Sep 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Paul Strode, Ann Brokaw

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: include measures of average (mean, median, and mode), variability (range and standard deviation), uncertainty (standard error and 95% confidence interval), Chi-square analysis, student...

  6. R Commander

    04 Sep 2015 | Software (On-site) | Contributor(s): Drew LaMar

    R provides a powerful and comprehensive system for analysing data and when used in conjunction with the R-commander (a graphical user interface, commonly known as Rcmdr) it also provides one that is easy and intuitive to use.

  7. Quantitative Evolutionary Biology on the QUBESHub

    27 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Kristin Jenkins

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: to QUBESHub - a virtual meeting space, resource center and collaborative environment for you to enhance quantitative biology in your undergraduate courses.  This space is highly...

  8. Dairy Farm Mathematics

    09 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Richard Francisco, Katie Gilbert

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: the website:We based our instructional unit on the premise that many people have, that one does not need mathematics if the they do not plan on attending...

  9. A Walk Through the Woods

    09 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jerome Chave, David Coomes, Steven Jansen, Simon L. Lewis, Nathan G. Swenson, Amy E. Zanne, Gaby Lopez-gonzales, J Illic, RB Miller, MC Wiemann, Samantha Swauger

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: density data used in this activity are derived from: Zanne AE, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Coomes DA, Ilic J, Jansen S, Lewis SL, Miller RB, Swenson NG, Wiemann MC, Chave J (2009) Data from:...

  10. Disease Spread Simulation with M&M's and Information on the wider SIMIODE community

    03 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Brian Winkel

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: is a Student Version of a Modeling Scenario from the community, SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations at...

  11. BactVsPhage

    27 Jun 2015 | Software (On-site) | Contributor(s): Drew LaMar

    Simulates basic models in theoretical ecology, as well as three models of bacteria/bacteriophage interactions.

  12. Joel E. Greengiant Learns About Peas: From Nucleotides to Selection

    17 Jun 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Merle Heidemann, Peter J.T. White, Jim Smith

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: case study follows purveyors of peas, Joel E. and Jolene Greengiant, as they learn about the origin, biochemistry, genetics and eventual artificial selection of sweet...

  13. Avida-ED User Manual

    07 Jun 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Diane Blackwood

    Basic User manual to use Avida-ED

  14. BioRadiant

    19 May 2015 | Software (On-site) | Contributor(s): Drew LaMar

    Interactive statistics package using R and Shiny.

  15. Statistical Power for One-Sample t-Test

    18 May 2015 | Software (On-site) | Contributor(s): Drew LaMar

    Interactive visualization of statistical power for a one-sample t-test.

  16. ModelSim Population Biology Unit

    18 May 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: resource provides rich student modeling activities and materials, teacher resources, and much more, in the realm of agent based models applied to population biology....

  17. ModelSim Population Biology Unit

    18 May 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: resource provides rich student modeling activities and materials, teacher resources, and much more, in the realm of agent based models applied to population biology....

  18. Ecology and Epidemiology in R

    09 May 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here:

  19. A very basic tutorial for performing linear mixed effects analyses: Tutorial 2

    24 Apr 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Bodo Winter

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: tutorial serves as a quick boot camp to jump-start your own analyses with linear mixed effects models. This text is different from other introductions by being decidedly...

  20. Linear models and linear mixed effects models in R: Tutorial 1

    24 Apr 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Bodo Winter

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: models and linear mixed models are an impressively powerful and flexible tool for understanding the world. This tutorial is the first of two tutorials that introduce...