Tags: Algebraic Topology

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  1. Niny Arcila-Maya


  2. Gisela Daniela Charo

    I am an applied mathematician from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In my PhD thesis (2020), I used a topological method called Branched Manifold Analysis through homologies to study the...


  3. Shuchita Goyal

    Dr Shuchita Goyal is a mathematician with interests mainly in Topology and Combinatorics. Her work mainly focusses on the examination of the topology of various graph complexes of different graph...


  4. Devin Kaylie Hensley

    I am a fifth year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University where I do discipline based education research with Dr. Melinda Lanius. Before he passed, Dr....


  5. Andrés Carnero Bravo

    I got my Phd from Intituto de Matemáticas, UNAM. My research areas include algebraic topology and combinatorics, with particular interest in their interactions, such as the homotopy type of graph...


  6. Constanze Roitzheim

    Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Kent, UK


  7. Danika Van Niel

    My name is Danika (she/her) and I am a graduating PhD student at Michigan State University studying with Teena Gerhardt. This coming Fall I will be joining Cary Malkiewich's group at Binghamton as...


  8. Arseny Sergeevich Mingajev
