Taking a Second Look: Investigating Biology with Visual Datasets
13 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Ethel Stanley
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/831An article exploring the use of visual datasets as an educational aid for biology students. Article abstract: Have you considered the use of biological...
Revolutionizing the Use of Natural History Collections in Education
11 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Karen E. Powers, L. Alan Prather, Joesph A. Cook, James Woolley, Henry L. Bart Jr., Anna K. Monfils, Petra Sierwald
Using natural history collections, both physical specimens and archive data, promises to connect classroom learning with the real world of science. From the article: "Natural history collections are an irreplaceable and extensive record of life, and form the basis of our...
Innovative Teaching Exchange: Asking Questions in Probability Class
25 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Queena N. Lee-Chua
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/898This is an article in MAA's Innovative Teaching Exchange that describes strategies to get students past thoughtless number crunching, guessing, and intuition when it comes...
Introductory Science and Mathematics Education for 21st-Century Biologists
24 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: William Bialek, David Botstein
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/830Article abstract: "Galileo wrote that “the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics”; his quantitative approach to understanding the...
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education
24 Feb 2015 |
This resource has been updated - find the current version here:https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/854Article abstract:"There is an emerging consensus that undergraduate biology education in the United States is at a crucial juncture, especially...
Towards better modelling and decision support: Documenting model development, testing, and analysis using TRACE
20 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Jacqueline Augusiak, Andreas Focks, Béatrice M. Frank, Faten Gabsi, Alice S.A. Johnston, Chun Liu, Benjamin T. Martin, Mattia Meli, Viktoriia Radchuk, Pernille Thorbek, Steven F Railsback, Volker Grimm
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/829Highlights• We introduce TRACE, a framework for documenting model testing and analysis.• TRACE is based on the recently proposed framework...
Statistics for biologists
12 Feb 2015 |
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/897There is no disputing the importance of statistical analysis in biological research, but too often it is considered only after an experiment is completed, when it may be too...
Quantitative Reasoning Learning Progression
06 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Robert Mayes
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/353The NSF Pathways Project focused on developing learning progressions for environmental sceince on the 6-12 grade levels. Pathways explored how students on middle to high school grade bands...
Advancing population ecology with integral projection models: a practical guide
23 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Cory Merow, Johan Dahlgren, Jessica Metcalf, Dylan Childs, Margaret Evans, Eelke Jongejans, Sydne Record, Mark Rees, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Sean McMahon
This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/824Integral projection models (IPMs) use information on how an individual's state influences its vital rates – survival, growth and reproduction – to...
Sustained exponential population growth of grey seals at Sable Island, Nova Scotia
18 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: W.D. Bowen, J. McMillan, R. Mohn
"Grey seal pup production on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, has been monitored since the early 1960s. We estimated pup production on Sable Island in 1997 using aerial photography with a correction for detection of pups on the imagery and a statistical model to account for the proportion of pups...