Tags: case studies

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  1. Carlos C. Goller

    I am a Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and teach in the Biotechnology Program (BIT, biotech.ncsu.edu) at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. My research...


  2. CASES Online

    Collections | 13 Jun 2018 | Posted by Carlos C. Goller


  3. Charcacia Sanders


  4. Claudia Stein


  5. Danielle Fournier


  6. Data Nuggets - Bringing Real Data into the Classroom to Unearth Students' Quantitative & Inquiry Skills

    22 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: MK Kjelvik, EH Schultheis

    Data Nuggets are narratives about real research, featuring the principal scientist, that include data students can analyze.   Right now they are aimed at K-12 students, but many topics covered are taught in college courses, and there is no limit to what mathematical or statistical concepts...

  7. Emily Rude


  8. Erica F Kosal

    Associate Teaching Professor of Biology, NC State UniversityDirector of the Life Sciences First Year Program, NC State UniversityInterested in: using case studies in the biology classroom,...


  9. Greg Tefft

    I have taught at the community college level for 17 years.  Prior to that I taught junior high and high school science.


  10. HITS: A network to create inquiry-based case studies that make high-throughput approaches and discovery accessible

    18 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carlos Christopher Goller1, Sabrina Robertson2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. UNC-Chapel Hill

    HITS brings together interdisciplinary groups of HT researchers and instructors to produce authentic HT case studies that can be implemented in a variety of courses, allowing students to analyze...


  11. HITS: A network to create inquiry-based case studies that make high-throughput approaches and discovery accessible

    25 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carlos Christopher Goller1, Sabrina Robertson2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. UNC-Chapel Hill

    Poster on the work of the NSF-funded High-throughput Discovery Science & Inquiry-based Case Studies for Today’s Students (HITS) Research Coordination Network. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.


  12. HITS: A Network to Create Inquiry-based Case Studies | BIOME 2022

    11 Jul 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sabrina Robertson

    UNC-Chapel Hill

    We created the NSF-funded High-throughput Discovery Science & Inquiry-based Case Studies for Today’s Students (HITS) Research Coordination Network to address this gap. HITS brings together...


  13. HITS: A network to promote high-throughput (HT) approaches through inquiry-based case studies

    14 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carlos Christopher Goller1, Stefanie Chen1, Sabrina Robertson2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

    Poster on the HITS project presented at the 2018 Annual Fall Conference for the National Center for Case Study Teaching In Science.


  14. Joan Sharp

    I received my BA and BSc from McGill University and my MSc from the University of British Columbia. This fall, I will be promoted to Teaching Professor at Simon Fraser University, where I teach...


  15. Karobi Moitra

    Dr. Karobi Moitra is a Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at Trinity Washington University in Washington DC and a former Assistant Provost for the Sciences at Trinity. She...


  16. Karobi Moitra


  17. Kimberly George


  18. Leah Roesch

    Originally from a small town in MN, I now have a dream job focused on teaching and mentoring at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. My graduate work on the molecular basis of neurodegenerative disease...


  19. Learning about Protein Structure and Function with Molecular CaseNet

    22 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Laurel Lorenz1, Keith A. Johnson2, Anya Goodman3, Shuchismita Dutta4

    1. Princeton University 2. Bradley University 3. California Polytechnic State University 4. Rutgers University

    Poster on the case studies available through Molecular CaseNet that focus on protein structure and function. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.


  20. Lisa Rezende

    I am interested in increasing public understanding of science through education, outreach, and communication. My education interests focus on new course development and curriculum design for both...
