Tags: Citizen and Community Science

All Categories (1-11 of 11)

  1. How to Create a Pollinator Project on iNaturalist

    24 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Justine Doll1, Mindi Summers1

    University of Calgary

    Community science, also known as citizen science, allows any person to participate in scientific research. It breaks down the traditional barriers between scientists and the public, allowing anyone...


  2. Creating a Deeper Understanding of Big Geospatial Data, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and Community Science using Project Eddie Modules

    01 Aug 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By barb maclennan1, Frank LaFone1, William Harrison1

    Fairmont State University

    This module uses the Project Eddie Module Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data developed by Heard, M. J. (2023) to create a deeper understanding of big geospatial...


  3. Count me in: Increasing early detection of invasive species with community science

    18 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Jennifer Dean2

    1. SUNY Geneseo 2. New York Natural Heritage Program (SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry)

    In this lesson, students interpret a map of species occurrences. Then, students view and reflect on an interview with biologist Dr. Jennifer Dean, whose research includes the map that they...


  4. Creating a Deeper Understanding of Big Geospatial Data, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and Community Science using Project Eddie Modules

    29 May 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By barb maclennan1, Frank LaFone1

    Fairmont State University

    This module uses the Project Eddie Module Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data developed by Heard, M. J. (2023) to create a deeper understanding of big geospatial...


  5. Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data

    21 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Matthew Joshua Heard

    Belmont University

    This module introduces students who are already familiar with GIS to doing comparative analyses with large-scale community science (often called citizen science) data sets. Students will explore...


  6. Todd Harwell


  7. Na'Taki Osborne Jelks


  8. Kelly L O'Donnell

    Kelly O’Donnell is the Director of Science Forward at Macaulay Honors College. She oversees scientific programing and academics for Macaulay. Dr. O’Donnell also regularly teaches one of Macaulay's...


  9. Heather Vance-Chalcraft


  10. Lisa Scheifele


  11. Alycia Crall
