Tags: course-based research experiences (CUREs)

All Categories (21-40 of 43)

  1. Phage Comparative Genomics Lab Manual

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Kapinos1, Canela Torres2, Amanda Freise2

    1. University of California, San Diego 2. University of California, Los Angeles

    A lab manual containing detailed instructions for several bioinformatics tools (dot plots, Phamerator maps, phylogenetic trees, and gene content similarity), all of which enable students to perform...


  2. Jul 26 2021

    Genomics Education Partnership Summer Trainings

    Interested in implementing a genomics research experience and active learning in your undergraduate classes!? The Genomics Education Partnership is a nationwide collaboration of 200+ faculty at...


  3. Jul 12 2021

    Genomics Education Partnership Summer Trainings

    Interested in implementing a genomics research experience and active learning in your undergraduate classes!? The Genomics Education Partnership is a nationwide collaboration of 200+ faculty at...


  4. Jun 14 2021

    BCEENET to Hold Virtual Summer Meeting

    Biological Collections in Ecology and Evolution Network (BCEENET) brings together natural history collections professionals, undergraduate educators, data experts, and researchers to support...


  5. Jun 14 2021

    Genomics Education Partnership Summer Trainings

    Interested in implementing a genomics research experience and active learning in your undergraduate classes!? The Genomics Education Partnership is a nationwide collaboration of 200+ faculty at...


  6. Traci Kinkel


  7. Breana Simmons


  8. Research and Teaching Opportunities with a Large-scale Salamander Collaboration Network (SPARCnet): TWS Poster

    14 Dec 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kristine Grayson1, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid2, Louise Mead3, Hannah Coovert1, Raisa Hernández Pacheco4, Jennifer Sevin1, Alexa Warwick5, Tanya Matlaga6, Sean Sterrett7, Chris Sutherland8, Jill Fleming9, David Muñoz10, David Miller10, Evan Grant9

    1. University of Richmond 2. Bridgewater State University 3. BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action 4. California State University, Long Beach 5. Michigan State University 6. Susquehanna University 7. Monmouth Unversity 8. University of St Andrews 9. United States Geological Survey 10. Penn State University

    Poster presented at the 2020 virtual meeting of The Wildlife Society (TWS) on research and teaching opportunities with the Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network...


  9. Brian Byrd


  10. The Genomics Education Partnership: Exploring best practices in implementation of a genomics CURE

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Matthew Wawersik1, Anna Allen2, Cindy Arrigo3, Andrew Arsham4, Daron Barnard5, Rebecca Burgess6, Justin DiAngelo7, Jennifer Jemc8, Christopher Jones9, Lisa Kadlec10, Adam Kleinschmit11, Judith Leatherman12, David Lopatto13, Mollie Manier14, Hemlata Mistry15, Nathan Mortimer16, Alexis Nagengast15, Susan Parish17, Anne Rosenwald18, Joyce Stamm19, Sarah Elgin20, Laura Reed21

    1. William & Mary 2. Howard University 3. New Jersey City University 4. Bemidji State University 5. Worcester State University 6. Stevenson University 7. Penn State Berks 8. Loyola University Chicago 9. Moravian College 10. Wilkes University 11. Adams State University 12. University of Northern Colorado 13. Grinnell College 14. George Washington University 15. Widener University 16. Illinois State University 17. McDaniel College 18. Georgetown University 19. University of Evansville 20. Washington University in St. Louis 21. University of Alabama

    Since 2006, the Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) has incorporated authentic genomics research experiences into the undergraduate curriculum.


  11. Genomics Education Alliance: Towards Genomics CURE templates

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vince Buonaccorsi1, Arthur Hunt2, Emily Wiley3, Sandesh Subramanya4, Wilson Leung5, Sally Elgin6

    1. Juniata College 2. University of Kentucky Lexington 3. Claremont McKenna College 4. Austin Community College 5. Washington University in St. Louis 6. Washington University - St. Louis

    Here we present major findings of a national survey of faculty teaching genomics CUREs conducted by the GEA, and our work on presenting relevant resources on the QUBES web portal.


  12. SENCERizing your CURE

    22 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Davida Smyth

    Texas A&M San Antonio

    Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) is the signature initiative of the National Center for Science & Civic Engagement.


  13. HHMI SEA-PHAGES and GENES: Course-based UREs Designed for All

    21 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vic Sivanathan

    Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    The HHMI Science Education Alliance (SEA) program supports a community of faculty members and institutions embed research as a fundamental component of early undergraduate science curricula.


  14. Genome Sequence Data in R using Biostrings (Swirl Lesson)

    09 Jun 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Robert E Furrow

    University of California, Davis

    By the end of this lesson, students should be able to load FASTA files into R as DNAStringSets and use width() and alphabetFrequency(), combined with other functions like sum() and mean(), to...


  15. Isi Ero-Tolliver


  16. Communicating with Data: Infographic with Digital Data

    22 Mar 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anna Monfils1, Debra Linton1

    Central Michigan University

    Working collaboratively in teams of 2-4 researchers, students engage in targeted projects to address critical information and research needs using digital biodiversity data.


  17. Michael Wolyniak


  18. James Herrick

    B.S. in botany, M.S. in ecology (Brigham Young University)Ph.D. in microbiology (Cornell University)Currently Associate Professor of Biology, James Madison University


  19. Talitha Van der Meulen


  20. Robert E Furrow

    Contact: refurrow AT ucdavis DOT eduI have recently started as an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology at the University of California, Davis. I teach a large...
