Tags: diversity

All Categories (1-20 of 65)

  1. Jennifer Mittelhauser


  2. Using an Interactive Game, Gutsy, to Examine the Impacts of Pathogens and Everyday Events on the Human Gut Microbiome

    29 Aug 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Ania A. Majewska*1, Shannon J. Hostetter1

    University of Georgia

    The human gut microbiome is often associated with ‘good bacteria’ in marketing campaigns for dietary supplements, probiotic drinks, and fermented foods. Yet, the dynamic and complex...


  3. Learning Communities as a Driver for Humanizing STEM: Cultivating Authentic Conversations about Anti-Racism in Introductory Biology Pedagogy using Duoethnography

    31 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Stephanie K. Levi Blumer1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Melissa Haswell3, Tess Killpack4, Lisa Urry5

    1. Oakton College 2. Florida International 3. Delta College 4. Salem State University 5. Mills College at Northeastern

    In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in...


  4. Learning Communities as a Driver for Humanizing STEM: Cultivating Authentic Conversations about Anti-Racism in Introductory Biology Pedagogy using Duoethnography

    25 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Stephanie Levi Blumer1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Melissa Haswell3, Tess Killpack4, Lisa Urry5

    1. Oakton Community College 2. Florida International 3. Davenport University 4. Salem State University 5. Mills College at Northeastern

    In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in...


  5. Leveraging Panel Discussions to Promote Positive Representation, Develop Science Identity, and Shift Stereotypes

    10 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mike Quan Huynh1, Bellal Naderi1, Stephen Ingalls1, Audrey Parangan-Smith1, Blake Riggs1, Laura W. Burrus*1

    San Francisco State University

    The overrepresentation of cis straight white male scientists in examples used in Biology curriculum makes it difficult for students with other axes of diversity (race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality,...


  6. A Modified Template for Biographies of Diverse STEM and STEM Education Professionals

    19 Apr 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Catherine Quinlan

    Howard University School of Education

    This resource shares a modified template that was created to provide meaningful inclusion in science. The template attends to the importance of the cognitive and the emotional and important...


  7. Blueprint for Accelerating Change in Social Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM Curricula

    22 Feb 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Pat Marsteller1, Melissa Haswell2, Ruthmae Sears3

    1. Emory University 2. Delta College 3. University of South Florida

    Collaborative community working on projects associated with social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM undergraduate programs.


  8. Conducting Biodiversity Science in the 21st Century (Poster)

    08 Aug 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anna Monfils

    Central Michigan University

    A poster summarizing how museum resources can be used for conducting biodiversity science in the 21st century including in research, education and in increasing inclusivity and diversity in STEM.


  9. Building an Inclusive Botany - Structuring in Class Discussions

    22 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Makenzie Mabry1, Nuala Caomhanach2, Richard Abrahams3, Shelly Gaynor1, Kasey Khanh Pham1, Tanisha Williams4, Kate Murphy5, Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis1, Douglas Soltis1, Pamela Soltis1

    1. University of Florida 2. American Museum of Natural History 3. Yale University 4. Bucknell University 5. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

    Driven by the national conversation on systemic racism, ongoing inequities, appeals to decolonize science, and the many recent calls for diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, we use...


  10. Building an Inclusive Botany - Structuring in Class Discussions

    21 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Makenzie Mabry1, Nuala Caomhanach2, Richard Abrahams3, Shelly Gaynor1, Kasey Khanh Pham1, Tanisha Williams4, Kate Murphy5, Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis1, Douglas Soltis1, Pamela Soltis1

    1. University of Florida 2. American Museum of Natural History 3. Yale University 4. Bucknell University 5. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

    Driven by the national conversation on systemic racism, ongoing inequities, appeals to decolonize science, and the many recent calls for diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, we use...


  11. Alia Smith


  12. Philip Halliwell

    PhD Sustainability Education


  13. Ekaphan KRAICHAK


  14. NSF Final Outcomes Report: Using the Lived Experiences and Narratives of Black Heritage and African American Gullah/Geechee to Learn Science Concepts

    23 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Catherine L Quinlan

    Howard University

    This resource is a public report that provides final outcomes from the NSF funded project award # 1928832. The resources included in this report are outcomes from the catalyst project titled:...




  16. Frieda Beauregard


  17. Erica Mcbride


  18. Diversifying and Humanizing Scientist Role Models Through Interviews and Constructing Slide Decks on Researchers’ Research and Life Experiences

    04 Jun 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Ash T. Zeminick1, Sarah C. Jones2, Alex J. Webster3, Elizabeth Raymond4, Kate Sandelin4, Natasha Hessami4, Tim Kowalczyk4, Marjorie G. Weber1, Caroline Lund Dahlberg*4

    1. Michigan State University 2. Michigan State University and Chicago Botanic Garden 3. Michigan State University and University of New Mexico 4. Western Washington University

    To maintain recruitment and retention, biology teachers face the challenge of finding relatable role models for their students. Our ever-increasing scientific knowledge has been facilitated by...


  19. Designing Strategies to Promote Diversity and Equity with a Campus Climate Survey

    23 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jung S. You1, Mariana T. Guzzardo1

    California State University, East Bay

    Institutions of higher education are increasingly looking for strategies to assess diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). An alumni survey is a valuable tool for identifying actionable strategies...


  20. Got Milk? Biome 2021 Lightning Talk

    04 Dec 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Glenna Malcolm1, Lauren C. McCarthy1, Jim Smith2, Adrianne Vasey1, Denise Woodward1

    1. Pennsylvania State University 2. Michigan State University

    The Got Milk? working group plans to use lactase persistence evolution as a case study to teach genetics in large introductory biology courses. While developing these resources, we will be mindful...
