Tags: ecology

All Categories (241-260 of 598)

  1. Diane Wagner


  2. Moths and Frogs and E. coli, Oh My!: Agent-based Modeling of Evolutionary Systems

    03 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Alexis Garretson*1, Lorelei D. Crerar1

    George Mason University

    In evolution classrooms, introducing and reinforcing the idea of genetic drift and random selection can be challenging, as can be reinforcing appropriate mental models of evolution. Agent-based...


  3. Mary Ashley


  4. Sharon L Gillies


  5. Ecology Modules

    Collections | 24 Oct 2021 | Posted by Elaina Davis-Givens



  6. Elaina Davis-Givens


  7. Joshua Thomas Cooper


  8. Kathleen Johnson


  9. Madelyn M Tucker


  10. Ty Murdoch


  11. Regina Dela Cerna


  12. Sarah Strong


  13. Exploring Marine Primary Productivity with Descriptive Statistics and Graphing in Excel

    02 Sep 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Marina McLeod1, Jennifer Olson1, Wendy Houston1

    Everett Community College

    In this activity, students use real water chemistry data and descriptive statistics in Excel to examine primary productivity in an urban estuary of the Salish Sea. They will consider how actual...


  14. Lynn Riley


  15. Shannon Dahl


  16. Sorry to Eat and Run: A Lesson Plan for Testing Trade-off in Squirrel Behavior Using Giving Up Densities (GUDs)

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Christopher J. Yahnke*1, Laurie Dizney2, Johanna Varner3, Jennifer Duggan4, Hayley C. Lanier5, Liesl P. Erb6, Elizabeth A. Flaherty7, Patrice K. Connors3, John D. Hanson8

    1. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point 2. University of Portland 3. Colorado Mesa University 4. California State University, Monterey Bay 5. University of Oklahoma 6. Warren Wilson College 7. Purdue University 8. Institute for Biodiversity Research and Education

    All animals need to find and compete for food, shelter, and mates in order to survive and reproduce. They also need to avoid being eaten by predators. Optimal foraging theory provides a framework...


  17. An Introduction to the Squirrel-Net Teaching Modules

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Laurie Dizney*1, Patrice K. Connors2, Johanna Varner2, Jennifer M. Duggan3, Hayley C. Lanier4, Liesl P. Erb5, Elizabeth A. Flaherty6, Christopher J. Yahnke7, John D. Hanson8

    1. University of Portland 2. Colorado Mesa University 3. California State University, Monterey Bay 4. University of Oklahoma 5. Warren Wilson College 6. Purdue University 7. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point 8. Institute for Biodiversity Research and Education

    Although course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are gaining popularity in biology, most are designed for benchwork-based laboratory courses while few focus on field-based skills....


  18. Biodiversity Show and Tell: An Accessible Activity to Encourage Students to Explore the Tree of Life

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sarah R. Stockwell*1, Jessica A. Davids1

    University of California San Diego

    An appreciation of organismal diversity is a requirement for understanding evolution and ecology, and can serve as a source of amazement and wonder that inspires students to enjoy biology. However,...


  19. Exploring Species Interactions with "Snapshot Serengeti"

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Meredith S. Palmer*1, Charlie Willis2, Katherine Barry2, Craig Packer2, Annika Moe2, Deena Wassenberg2

    1. Princeton University 2. University of Minnesota

    Authentic learning experiences are a valuable way for students to gain an in-depth understanding of the scientific process. However, implementing such experiences in large enrollment courses can be...


  20. A Remote Introductory Biology Lab Using Backyard Birdwatching to Teach Data Analysis and Communication

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jennifer J. Rahn

    William & Mary

    Asking questions, designing experiments, collecting data and interpreting those data, and communicating the results are some of the most important concepts an undergraduate biology lab can teach...
