Tags: epidemiology

All Categories (1-20 of 78)

  1. 2009-Schaffer-Bronnikova-Controlling malaria

    06 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By W M Schaffer


    The present paper reviews potential control strategies from the viewpoint of mathematical epidemiology.


  2. 2010-Jungck-EtAl-Mathematical Manipulative Models-In Defense of Beanbag Biology

    06 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By John Jungck


    This paper offers up samples of projects from the Bio- QUEST Curriculum Consortium’s 24-yr experience of holding faculty development workshops for biology and mathematics educators.


  3. 2011-Mandal-EtAl-Mathematical models of malaria

    07 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sandip Mandal


    The first aim of this article is to develop, starting from the basic models, a hierarchical structure of a range of deterministic models of different levels of complexity. The second is to...


  4. 2013-Fathalla_Rihan-Delay Differential Equations in Biosciences - Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis

    07 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Fathalla Rihan


    This is a review article to show that delay differential models have a richer mathematical framework (compared with models without memory or after-effects) and a better consistency with biological...


  5. 2014-Allen-EtAl-Perturbations in Epidemiological Models -When zombies attack we can survive

    07 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Robert Allen1, Cassandra Jens1, Theodore Wendt1


    In this paper, we investigate the existence of stability-changing bifurcations in epidemiological models used to study the spread of zombiism through a human population.


  6. 2016-Helena_Sofia_Rodrigues-Application of SIR epidemiological model new trends

    09 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Helena Sofia. Rodrigues


    In this paper, the basic transmission model is analyzed, as well as simple tools that allows us to extract a great deal of information about possible solutions. A set of applications - traditional...


  7. 2018-Arden_Baxter-Modeling Public Opinion

    10 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Arden Baxter


    In this paper, we adapt the epidemiological models to model the dynamics of public opinion. Public opinion is any view prevalent among the general public. Our model considers any topic or issue in...


  8. 2018-Meredith_Greer-Ella_Livesay-Mathematical Epidemiology Goes to College

    11 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Meredith Greer1, Ella Livesay1


    In this article we present models that were inspired by two real-life outbreaks at a small residential college campus: H1N1 influenza in 2009 and, surprisingly, mumps in 2016.


  9. 6-007-FunctionsAndDerivativesInSIRModels-ModelingScenario

    17 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Meredith Greer

    Bates College, Lewiston ME USA

    Given a system of differential equations, how do the solution graphs compare with the graphs of the differential equations? Students tackle this question using SIR models for well-known infectious...


  10. A CURE for Salmonella: A Laboratory Course in Pathogen Microbiology and Genomics

    15 Sep 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sophie K. Jurgensen1, Joseph Harsh2, James B. Herrick*2

    1. James Madison University, Louisiana State University 2. James Madison University

    Rapid advances in genomics and bioinformatics, the vast amount of data generated by next-generation sequencing, and the penetration of the ‘-omics’ into many areas of biology have created a need...


  11. A discussion about tornado epidemiology with Dr. Kim Klockow McClain

    01 Jul 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kim Klockow-McClain1, Megan Seifert2

    1. National Severe Storms Laboratory 2. Headwaters Science Institute

    Are you ever curious about how tornados impact communities, which communities are most at risk, what are the determinants of fatality from tornados, and other related questions? Dr. Kim Klockow...


  12. A quick tour of IONTW

    30 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Winfried Just, Ying Xin

    In this module we guide you through some of the capabilities of IONTW. Highlights include the types of networks supported, setting up various types of models of disease transmission, observing the resulting dynamics, and collecting statistics on the outcomes. Along the way, the module also...

  13. Adam Rumpf


  14. Alex Capaldi


  15. An Introduction to the R Programming Environment

    04 Jan 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By K. A. Garrett1, P. D. Esker1, A. H. Sparks1

    Kansas State University

    An online module introducing students and biologists to R, published in American Phytopathological Society


  16. An Introduction to the R Programming Environment

    02 Jun 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By K. A. Garrett1, P. D. Esker1, A. H. Sparks1

    Kansas State University

    An online module introducing students and biologists to R, published in American Phytopathological Society


  17. Andy Miller


  18. Benjamin R Morin


  19. Beranrd Ikhimwin


  20. Big Data, Graphs, and Prediction

    17 Feb 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jennifer Lyon Adler1, David Simon2, Emmanuel des-Bordes3, Joseph Esquibel4, mary miller2, Pradip Raj Aryal5, Vickie Flanders2

    1. Maysville Community and Technical College 2. Baton Rouge Community College 3. Blue Ridge Community College 4. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison College 5. NMSU Carlsbad

    In this activity, students are introduced to graphing and modeling data in a step-wise fashion. Real data of covid-19 deaths over time are used to incrementally ask students to fit the data to...
