Tags: graphing

Teaching Materials (41-44 of 44)

  1. Decoding, Critiquing, and Creating a Graph from the Ground Up

    28 Feb 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kiersten Nicole Newtoff1, HHMI BioInteractive

    Montgomery College

    Students decipher a published graph with little supplemental information and are given more details in pieces before producing a new graph that displays the data more effectively and is easier to...


  2. Using: "Winter Is Coming! Can you Handle the Freeze?" In an Intro BIO lecture

    19 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Denice Robertson

    Northern Kentucky University

    I use Team Based Learning in this course, students are in permanent groups and work together on Challenge Questions each class after I give a short lecture. This Nugget was used in place of regular...


  3. Staying Alive: Extinction Risk: Introduction to Extinction and Extinction Bias

    09 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Samantha Price1, Peggy Schaeffer2, Anna Thanukos3, Samantha Swauger2

    1. University of California, Davis 2. DryadLab 3. University of California Museum of Paleontology

    Data driven curriculum module from Dryad Digital Repository


  4. A Walk Through the Woods

    09 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jerome Chave1, David Coomes2, Steven Jansen3, Simon Lewis4, Nathan Swenson5, Amy Zanne6, Gaby Lopez-Gonzales7, J Ilic, RB Miller8, MC Wiemann9, Samantha Swauger10

    1. The Academy of Europe 2. Cambridge University 3. Ulm University 4. University College London 5. University of Maryland 6. The George Washington University 7. University of Leeds 8. University of California, Berkeley 9. University of Florida 10. DryadLab

    Data driven curriculum module from Dryad Digital Repository
