A Study Assessing the Potential of Negative Effects in InterdisciplinaryMath–Biology Instruction
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Madlung, Andreas, Bremer, Martina, Himelblau, Edward, Tullis, Alexa, (2011), "A Study Assessing the Potential of Negative Effects in InterdisciplinaryMath–Biology Instruction", CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10: pg: 43-54, Spring, (DOI: 10.1187/cbe.10-08-0102)
Measurement of Math Beliefs and Their Associations With Math Behaviors in College Students
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Hendy, Helen M., Schorschinsky, Nancy, Wade, Barbara, (2014), "Measurement of Math Beliefs and Their Associations With Math Behaviors in College Students", Psychological Assessment, 26: pg: 1225-1234, (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0037688)