Tags: modeling

Teaching Materials (21-40 of 46)

  1. Disease Spread Simulation with M&M's and Information on the wider SIMIODE community

    13 Feb 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Brian Winkel

    SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations

    This is a Student Version of a Modeling Scenario from the community, SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations at www.simiode.org


  2. Does Organelle Shape Matter?: Exploring Patterns in Cell Shape and Structure with High-Throughput (HT) Imaging

    27 Jan 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carlos C. Goller*1, Graham T. Johnson2, Kaitlyn Casimo2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. Allen Institute

    Organelle structure has been studied and visualized for decades; however, publicly available databases that use improved high-throughput microscopy of gene-edited cell lines have recently...


  3. Exploring how climate will impact plant-insect distributions and interactions using open data and informatics

    06 Jun 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Wendy Clement1, Kathleen Prudic2, Jeffrey Oliver3

    1. The College of New Jersey 2. University of Arizona 3. University of Arizona Libraries

    This teaching module provides an entry point for students to learn about data science, open data repositories (e.g., citizen science data), and species distribution modeling to study the effects of...


  4. Factor Structure Assessment of the Students Support Needs Scale-Augmented for African-American STEM Students

    22 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Qingxia Li1, Thomas Gross2, Patricia Abbie McCarroll1, Catherine Hines2

    1. Fisk University 2. Western Kentucky University

    Poster on the impact of a performance pyramid-based peer-led learning community on course knowledge at a Historically Black University. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.


  5. Fitting Exponential and Logistic Growth Models to Bacterial Cell Count Data

    17 Dec 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Adam Rumpf

    Florida Polytechnic University

    In this activity, students will model a noisy set of bacterial cell count data using both exponential and logistic growth models. For each model the students will plot the data (or a linear...


  6. Integrating the modeling of biogeochemical cycles and energy flow

    30 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vikki L Rodgers

    Babson College

    This in-class activity challenges students to create and then integrate models of how carbon, nitrogen, water and energy all move within an ecosystem. Using 15 provided standard pools, they work...


  7. Modeling Soil Fluxes with NEON Data

    06 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By John Zobitz

    Augsburg College

    This activity is an exploratory activity to understand rates of change of soil carbon dioxide in different ecosystems using data provided by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON,...


  8. Modeling: A Primer - The crafty art of making, exploring, extending, transforming, tweaking, bending, disassembling, questioning, and breaking models

    29 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By William Wimsatt1, Jeff Schank2

    1. University of Chicago 2. Indiana University

    Explore how to use, analyze, and criticize some important and historically influential models in biology in this text only module.


  9. ModelSim Population Biology Unit

    30 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Uri Wilensky1, Paulo Blikstein2, Corey Brady3, David Figlio1, Pratim Sengupta4, Jason Bertsche1, Yu (Bryan) Guo1, Nathan Holbert1, Michael Novak1, Firat Soylu1, Aditi Wagh1, Gokul Krishnan4, Brogan Miller2, Shima Salehi2

    1. Northwestern University 2. Stanford University 3. Inquire Learning 4. Vanderbilt University

    This resource provides rich student modeling activities and materials, teacher resources, and much more, in the realm of agent based models applied to population biology.


  10. Moths and Frogs and E. coli, Oh My!: Agent-based Modeling of Evolutionary Systems

    03 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Alexis Garretson*1, Lorelei D. Crerar1

    George Mason University

    In evolution classrooms, introducing and reinforcing the idea of genetic drift and random selection can be challenging, as can be reinforcing appropriate mental models of evolution. Agent-based...


  11. Project MOSAIC

    20 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Daniel Kaplan1, Karl-Dieter Crisman2, Nicholas Horton3, Eric Marland4, Randall Pruim5

    1. Macalester College 2. Gordon College 3. Amherst College 4. Appalachian State University 5. Calvin College

    Our goal: Provide a broader approach to quantitative studies that provides better support for work in science and technology.


  12. Promoting Climate Change Literacy for Non-majors: Implementation of an atmospheric carbon dioxide modeling activity as an inquiry-based classroom activity

    27 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mary A. Williams1, Deena Wassenberg1

    University of Minnesota

    Students who are directly involved in scientific activities develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of both scientific knowledge and the scientific process. This understanding is critically...


  13. RAT ATTACK! Population growth

    07 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kiersten Newtoff1, Gina Wesley1, Will Gretes2, Allison Bell2, Kelly Livernoche1, Sean McNamara3, Jeff Leips4

    1. Montgomery College 2. Howard Community College 3. Community College of Baltimore County 4. University of Maryland Baltimore County

    This module contains exercises focused on the use and interpretation of density independent and density dependent population growth models. Students build logistic and exponential growth models in...


  14. Responses to Climate Change in California Chipmunks: Move, Adapt, or Die

    10 Feb 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Talisin Hammond1, Rachel E. Walsh2, Eileen Lacey3

    1. San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley

    A series of three modules using data from natural history museum collections to examine responses to climate change in multiple chipmunk species. Elevation and morphological data, beginner skills...


  15. SIMIODE Spring 2024 Webinars - Ethics Modeling

    02 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Feryâl Alayont1, Korana Burke2, Jeremy Shaw3

    1. Grand Valley State University, Allendale MI USA 2. University of California, Davis, Davis CA USA 3. Oregon State University-Cascades, Bend OR USA

    A Practical Guide for Incorporating Ethical Reasoning into Mathematics Courses through Modeling Problems


  16. SIMIODE Spring 2024 Webinars - Ethics Modeling

    02 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Feryâl Alayont1, Korana Burke2, Jeremy Shaw3

    1. Grand Valley State University, Allendale MI USA 2. University of California, Davis, Davis CA USA 3. Oregon State University-Cascades, Bend OR USA

    A Practical Guide for Incorporating Ethical Reasoning into Mathematics Courses through Modeling Problems


  17. SIMIODE Spring 2024 Webinars - Ethics Modeling

    02 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Feryâl Alayont, Korana Burke, Jeremy Shaw

    A Practical Guide for Incorporating Ethical Reasoning into Mathematics Courses through Modeling Problems


  18. SIMIODE Spring 2024 Webinars - Insightmaker

    02 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Erich McAlister

    Fort Lewis College, Durango CO USA

    We discuss the use of the FREE system dynamics software Insightmaker (https://insightmaker.com/) in a first course in Ordinary Differential Equations (with a modeling emphasis).


  19. SIMIODE Spring 2024 Webinars - WikiModel

    02 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sami Kanderian

    WikiModel, Germantown MD USA

    WikiModel is cloud-based application and requires no installation and is run via a web-browser to facilitate rapid implementation. Equations are typed in as they appear in a textbook. ODEs are...


  20. SIR BuildIt

    03 Apr 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anton E Weisstein

    Truman State University

    An introduction to epidemiological models using interactive Excel worksheets
