Tags: museums

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  1. Responses to Climate Change in California Chipmunks: Move, Adapt, or Die

    10 Feb 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Talisin Hammond1, Rachel E. Walsh2, Eileen Lacey3

    1. San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley

    A series of three modules using data from natural history museum collections to examine responses to climate change in multiple chipmunk species. Elevation and morphological data, beginner skills...


  2. AIM-UP! (Advancing Integration of Museums into Undergraduate Programs)

    13 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Joseph A. Cook, Scott Edwards, Stefanie Ickert-Bond, Eileen Lacy

    An NSF-funded Research Coordination Network, the goal of AIM-UP! is to bring museum archives and natural history collections to the forefront of biology education.  From the website:  "We are developing these themes through meetings, on-line discussions and workshops at scientific...

  3. Revolutionizing the Use of Natural History Collections in Education

    11 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Karen E. Powers, L. Alan Prather, Joesph A. Cook, James Woolley, Henry L. Bart Jr., Anna K. Monfils, Petra Sierwald

    Using natural history collections, both physical specimens and archive data, promises to connect classroom learning with the real world of science.    From the article:  "Natural history collections are an irreplaceable and extensive record of life, and form the basis of our...