Collecting and analyzing binomial data
17 Jul 2020 | | Contributor(s):: Suann Yang, Darcy Taniguchi, Jenny Hazlehurst
In this tool, students watch an Internet cat video, collect binomial data on cat paw usage, and graph and analyze the data with a binomial test in R using the swirl package.
10 Jul 2020 |
Swirl: Learn R, in R
Radiant Lite
24 Jul 2019 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar
Stripped down version of Radiant on QUBES
Google Charts Example - Bubble
18 May 2018 |
This is the "bubble" example from Joe Cheng's Google Charts package.
R Shiny App Example
09 May 2018 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar
This is a simple example used to demonstrate what is needed to host your R Shiny app on QUBESHub.
16 Sep 2015 |
Business analytics using R and Shiny.
Wood Density
15 Oct 2015 |
Wood density shiny app
R Commander
04 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar
R provides a powerful and comprehensive system for analysing data and when used in conjunction with the R-commander (a graphical user interface, commonly known as Rcmdr) it also provides one that is easy and intuitive to use.
19 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar
Interactive statistics package using R and Shiny.
Statistical Power for One-Sample t-Test
18 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar
Interactive visualization of statistical power for a one-sample t-test.
RStudio IDE for R
22 Jan 2015 |
RStudio is a GUI for R, the statistical programming language.