Tags: statistics

All Categories (1-20 of 163)

  1. 50 years of Data Science

    23 Feb 2016 | | Contributor(s):: David Donoho

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/912More than 50 years ago, John Tukey called for a reformation of academic statistics. In ‘The Future of Data Analysis’, he pointed to the existence of an as-yet...

  2. 50 Years of Data Science

    30 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By David Donoho

    Stanford University

    This paper reviews some ingredients of the current “Data Science moment”, including recentcommentary about data science in the popular media, and about how/whether Data Science isreally different...


  3. A flexible, multi-week approach to plant biology - How will plants respond to higher levels of CO2?

    28 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vanessa Muilenburg1, Katherine Supanich1, Stephen Scogin1, Thomas Bultman1, Jianhua Li1, Lori Hertel1, Kathy Winnett-Murray1

    Hope College

    To help introductory biology students understand how plants will respond to higher levels of CO2, we have created a multi-week module consisting of a series of four related laboratory lessons....


  4. A very basic tutorial for performing linear mixed effects analyses: Tutorial 2

    24 Apr 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Bodo Winter

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/833This tutorial serves as a quick boot camp to jump-start your own analyses with linear mixed effects models. This text is different from other introductions by being decidedly...

  5. A Very Basic Tutorial for Performing Linear Mixed Effects Analyses: Tutorial 2

    20 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Bodo Winter

    University of California, Merced

    The second of two tutorials that introduce you to linear and linear mixed models. This tutorial serves as a quick boot camp to jump-start your own analyses with linear mixed effects models.


  6. AIMS- Analyzing Images to learn Mathematics and Statistics - studying leaf cutter ants to learn linear regression

    15 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Jeremy M Wojdak

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/239This is a teaching resource that uses fascinating images and videos of leaf cutter ants foraging in Panama to provide an engaging context for students to learn about mathematics and...

  7. AIMS- Analyzing Images to learn Mathematics and Statistics - studying leaf cutter ants to learn linear regression

    03 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jeremy M Wojdak

    Radford University

    This is a teaching resource that uses fascinating images and videos of leaf cutter ants foraging in Panama to provide an engaging context for students to learn about mathematics and statistics.


  8. Albert Y. Kim


  9. Allison Horst


  10. Amy Salter

    Educational Psychology; Statistics; Mentoring in STEMTeaching experience: Statistics; Psychology courses - Atlanta area collegesTwitter: @dramysalterNational conferences: APA; Regional Conference:...


  11. Andrea Miller


  12. Andrew Tyre


  13. Anna M Tucker


  14. Arianna Krinos


  15. Arietta Fleming-Davies

    Dr. Arietta Fleming-Davies has been a QUBES postdoc since February 2016.  Her primary mentor is Jeremy Wojdak at Radford University.  Arietta’s background is in population and...


  16. Bandana Adhikari


  17. Biological Science Quantitative Reasoning Exam (BioSQuaRE)

    Collections | 23 Aug 2022 | Posted by Suann Yang


  18. BioRadiant

    19 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Drew LaMar

    Interactive statistics package using R and Shiny.

  19. BioVEDA Curriculum: An Approach to Link Conceptual and Quantitative Understanding of Variation During Experimental Design and Data Analysis

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jessica Dewey†1, Jenna Hicks†1, Maxwell Kramer1, Anita Schuchardt*1

    University of Minnesota

    When performing a biological investigation, experts constantly cycle between conceptual and quantitative modes of thinking, integrating their understanding in both worlds to make decisions about...


  20. Bob Carey
