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  • Created 05 Jul 2022

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UNVEIL-ing: Applying to Undergraduate
Summer Research Experiences
Faculty Mentoring Network 



  • Explore ways to assess how a student’s science identity changes through each of the developed modules
  • Learn tools used in professional development modules and how to incorporate them in various learning settings



Wilnelia Recart Gonzalez, University of San Diego

Final Products

This resource promotes inclusive learning by using all free platforms to extend the central dogma to an applied experience. Genomics is focused on with literature reviews that are performed to identify genes implicated in a clinical condition. Transcriptomics with data mining of RNAseq acquisition is followed by protein sequence acquisition and modeling. Teaching and learning of communication in the process of science is the final focus.
genetics, Biochemistry, Biology and Biochemistry Eduation, Protein Structure, Bioinformatics and Genomics, Functional Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, RNAseq, Clinical genomics, protein structure modeling, Inclusive teaching, 3D protein structure /function analysis, inclusive classrooms, 3D protein structures, inclusive, gene
Students complete a personal strategic plan, examining their strengths, vision and mission for completing an REU or research experience.
undergraduate research, REU, strategic planning, SWOT, resume, personal statement
Instructors can use this module to introduce students to searching for and identifying summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) online, with a focus on National Science Foundation (NSF) opportunities. The resource includes a community spreadsheet, where students can contribute interesting REUs to be shared within the class (and future classes).
Resources @ NSF - NCCSTS, ecology lab, Field research, REU, research experience for undergraduates, field ecology

UNVEIL-ing Framework to Summer Research Experiences

Wilnelia Recart Gonzalez

Version: 1.0

Undergraduate research opportunities help foster a science identity and increase retention in STEM majors and transition into the STEM workforce. Moreover, these opportunities have stronger results for underrepresented minority students in STEM. However, while these opportunities are advertised and shared among faculty and students, there is less support for students to independently identify them, have the confidence to pursue them, and generate competitive applications. I propose using a professional development approach to teach students how to find and apply for undergraduate summer research experiences. In this poster, I overview a module developed to introduce undergraduate students to the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. I then use this module to establish a framework for a Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). This network will support faculty wanting to adapt and create modules to teach professional development skills to apply to summer undergraduate research programs successfully. To narrow the scope of our FMN, we will focus on NSF REU programs.