• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 05 Jul 2022

This is a list of the requirements of this Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). You must complete each of these items in order to receive a letter of completion (available upon request). Detailed instructions for sharing final products will be distributed in mid-October but an overview of the expectations is shared below.

  1. Be an active participant
  2. Read assigned literature
  3. Present a draft of your module
  4. Develop your own module by the end of the FMN
  5. Implement materials into at least two class periods or events during the Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 semester
  6. Share your final products to the QUBES Hub


What does it mean to be an active participant?

To accomplish this goal, you must:

  • Attend all of our meetings. These are 1-hour meetings held virtually every-other-week
  • Keep in mind that additional time outside of these meetings may be required for independent work on adapting and reviewing modules
  • Post responses to assignment prompts found in the forum
  • Post a reflection of your implementation in the forum


Present a draft of your module

To accomplish this goal, you must:

  • Give a five-minute update and run through a draft of your module
  • This update should also include your timeline and what is next for the development of your module


Implement materials into at least two class periods or events during the Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 semester

You may implement a small portion of a module or the whole thing. You may choose to implement the modules in separate courses (i.e. one module in your intro-bio course and the other in your senior-level ecology course). You can also present your module in an out-of-classroom event or experience (e.g., a bio club event, workshop, career center collaboration). If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask Wilnelia (wrecartgonzalez@sandiego.edu).


Share your final products to the QUBES Hub

Please share your teaching materials (teacher notes, curriculum materials, assessments, etc.) on the QUBES Hub site. More detailed instructions on this process will be posted in mid-October.

I understand that scheduling meetings for a group of very busy faculty participants is difficult. If you have an unexpected conflict and are unable to attend a meeting, please let Wilnelia know in advance.