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By Drew LaMar

College of William and Mary

Simulates both discrete and continuous time agent-based models of infectious disease dynamics on networks.

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Version 1.1 - published on 29 Mar 2015

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IONTW (Infection On NeTWorks) simulates both discrete and continuous time agent-based models of infectious disease dynamics on networks. It can simulate models of type SEIR, SIR, SEI, SI, SEIS, and SIS. 

Supported network types include: complete graphs, empty graphs, Erdös-Rényi, nearest-neighbor (1 and 2 dimensions), small world (1 and 2 dimensions), preferential attachment, generic scale-free, spatially clustered, random regular, trees, as well as approximately uniform realizations from custom degree sequences and custom distributions.

The Reference Guide (PDF/HTML) gives detailed instruction on how to enforce these and other options.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Drew LaMar (2015), "IONTW," https://qubeshub.org/resources/iontw.

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