• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 18 Sep 2018

Proposed Schedule

**Please note that the schedule is tentative and is subject to change. Please check back often for updates.**

Kick-off Meeting

Participants will be split into two groups to maximize finding a common time to work together. The groups will meet every other week and be facilitated by John and Kiersten. During the time between meetings, participants should be meeting with other participants (at least one) via e-mail, QUBES forum, phone call, Zoom meeting, etc. to discuss the topic for the week. You can meet with the same participant each week or talk with different members. Click on the "Members" tool link for a list of participants and the ability to message. Feel free to share contact information if you do not want to communicate via messaging in QUBES. The biweekly 30 minute meetings are an opportunity to report out with others on the discussions you had prior to the meeting.

Group 1 Group 2
Members: Catherine, Valerie, Kristen, Megan, Helian, Kaitlin, Nancy Members: Jillian, Elena, Michelle, Mela
Facilitator: John Doudna Facilitator: Kiersten Newtoff
Meeting time: Fridays, 11:00 - 11:30AM EST Meeting time: Tuesdays, 5:00 - 5:30PM EST

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/950210240

Meeting Notes: 03/08/2019

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/259828725

Google Drive materials can be found here (Implementation plans).

Semester Schedule

Week of Meeting Topic/Theme Task Before Meeting Deliverable to Present at Meeting Implementation Plan
Feb 4-8 Module Brainstorming I Post in QUBES forum in the each of the 2 module topics. Post current/rough ideas on what you will do with the module. Which modules (2), around when in the semester, for which class. Very general modifications. Metadata (top few rows)
Feb 18-22 Module Brainstorming II
Meet with at least one other member who shares an interest in one of your modules (preferably the module that you plan to do first). Discuss changes you are considering and challenges with the current module to work through.
Brief overview of proposed adaptations to the module. Questions 1, 3, and 4 for Module 1
Mar 4-8 Integrating quantitative reasoning Read the article Quantitative Reasoning Learning Goals. Meet with at least one other member to further discuss which quantitative skills you are trying to address in your course(s) and ideas you have at attaining those objectives Report out Quantitative Reasoning meetings  
Mar 18-22 Module Brainstorming III
Meet with at least one other member who shares an interest in one of your modules (preferably the module that you wish to do second). Discuss changes you are considering and challenges with the current module to work through.
Brief overview of proposed adaptations to the module Questions 1, 3, and 4 for Module 2
Apr 1-5 Math Anxiety Look through the QUBES group BIOMAAP (Biology Students Math Attitudes and Anxiety Program) and learn about growth versus fixed mindset and review activities to help address math anxiety. Meet with at least one other member to reflect on your past courses and things you could do in the future to address math anxiety. Report out from Math Anxiety conversations  
Apr 15-19 Assessments Read paper 1, 2, 3, 4: Infusing Quantitative Literacy into Introductory Biology. Meet with at least one other member and discuss how you currently assess quantitative skills. From the paper, discuss how their methodology may (or may not) aid in developing quantitative assessments. Report out from Assessment conversations Question 2 for both modules, reflection questions if completed the module
Apr 29 - May 3 Group Choice TBD Report out Question 5 for both modules, reflection questions if completed the module
May 13-17 Publishing Materials Prepare implementation plans and adaptation materials Progress of implementation plan Both implementation plans and adaptation materials should be complete
May 27-31 Closing Out Materials should be published in QUBES by June 1