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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 16 Apr 2015


Dr. Samantha Price - March 4th, 1:30PM EST

Join us for an informal discussion with Dr. Samantha Price a coauthor of the extinction risk paper and module. Sam will share some background on the research data set and her thoughts about how it can be used to help students engage with the idea of extinction risk. Bring a question or two to the session or just come along to learn a bit more about the module. 


Scientific Publication:

Price, S. A., & Gittleman, J. L. (2007). Hunting to extinction: biology and regional economy influence extinction risk and the impact of hunting in artiodactyls. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 274(1620), 1845-1851.


Dr. Anne Bronikowski - April 1st, 1:30PM EST

Join us for an informal discussion with Dr. Anne Bronikowski a coauthor of the paper used in the Survivorship module. Anne will share some background on the research data set and her thoughts about how it can be used to help students engage with the idea of survivorship. Create a question or two for the session or just come along to learn a bit more about her work. 


Module: Survivorship in the Natural World


Scientific Publication:

Bronikowski, A.M., Altmann, J., Brockman, D.K., Cords, C., Fedigan, L.M., Pusey, A. , Stoinski, T., Morris, W.F., Strier, K.B., and Alberts, S.C 2011. Aging in the natural world: comparative data reveal similar mortality patterns across primates, Science 331: 1325-1328 




This will be a hands-on session to provide you with additional experience using Radiant on the QUBESHub. We will share the latest / greatest instructions and strategies for making it a smooth process and keeping the students focused on dealing with interesting biological questions. Even if you don’t plan to use Radiant in your class feel free to join us and build your own skills. 


Resources: QUBES Community Group: Using R in the classroom

                  Radiant troubleshooting tips




Every other Friday at 1:30PM EST
