Opening the Pathway to Technician Careers: A Conference for Biology Teachers of Deaf Students
Saturday, October 12
4:30-5:30 pm Tour of RIT Campus
6:00-9:00 pm Meet and Greet Dinner
Sunday, October 13
9:00 am Welcome & Introductions
10:00am Break
10:15 am Introduction to Cases & Overview of UDL
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Keynote Presenter: Barbara Spiecker, Oregon State University
2:00 pm Case Session Part 1
3:45 pm Poster Session, Networking, and Reception
5:30 pm Dinner
6:30 ASL STEM signs: Chris Kurz, National Technical Institute for the Deaf
8:30-8:45pm Evaluation
Monday, October 14
8:00 am Breakfast (at hotel)
9:00 am Logistics
9:15 am Technician Career presentation
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Case Session Part 2
12:00 pm Lunch & Welcome from Dr. Gerry Buckley, NTID President
12:45 pm Student Panel
1:45 pm Case Session Part 3
2:45 pm Break & Small group formation
3:30 pm Group work time
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Keynote Presenter: Derek Braun, Gallaudet University
7:30-7:45 pm Evaluation
Tuesday, October 15
8:00 am Breakfast (at hotel)
9:00 am Logistics
9:15 am Small group work time
11:00 am Small group presentations
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Sunshine 2.0 Performance
1:00 pm Break
1:15 pm Small group presentations
2:00 pm Large group discussion
3:00 pm Next steps, resources, evaluations, farewells
3:30 pm Conference concludes
This conference is supported by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education Program (ATE) under award numbers 1834905 and 1834913.