• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 15 Aug 2018


The nearest airport is the Greater Rochester International Airport, about four miles from RIT's campus. Participants who are flying in will be put in direct contact with the NTID travel agent. Participants who are driving, need to inform the conference staff.


Participants will be housed at the Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport where we have a block of rooms reserved. Participants will be sent a room reservation confirmation from the RIT travel agent once their flights have been made or after they have informed the conference staff that they are driving to the conference. Travel from the hotel to campus will be provided.


The conference will be held at the RIT Alumni House:

116 Lomb Memorial Drive

Rochester, NY 14623

Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport

175 Jefferson Rd

Rochester, NY 14263

Building Maps

Click below to visit RIT's interactive campus map. 

Click to visit interactive map:

rit campus map