• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 24 Oct 2019
Thursday, February 27

8:30am Breakfast at NIMBioS
9:00am Welcome & Introductions & Overview of Project
10:00am Break
10:15am Plenary Margaret Latimer, Montgomery College
11:15am OERs Mike Mills, Montgomery College
12:00pm Lunch (NIMBioS)
1:30pm Group activity - exploring biomath activity
2:45pm Break
3:00pm Exploring the Matrix, Ahrash Bissell, NROC
3:45pm Group activity - pedagogical evaluation of biomath activity
4:45pm Debrief 
5:00pm Dinner on your own

Friday, February 28

8:30am Breakfast at NIMBioS
9:00am Overview of the day
9:15am Plenary Jeff Schinske, Foothill College
10:15am Break
10:30am Teaching Resources
12:00pm Lunch (NIMBioS)
1:30pm Exploring Biomath Resources
4:00pm Large group convene for discussion 
4:30pm Establishing Incubators
5:30pm Dinner on your own

(Optional: 8pm Kukuly & the Gypsy Fuego, tickets $15 at the door, more information at the venue website: jubileearts.org)

Saturday, February 29

8:30am Breakfast at NIMBioS
9:00am Overview of the day
9:15am Incubator work time
11:00am Incubator Group Reports
12:00pm Meeting Concludes, box lunches available