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  • Created 24 Oct 2019

Margaret Latimer

margaret latimer

montgomery college logo

Thursday, February 27

10:15 am

Thoughts on Quantitative Biology

Margaret Latimer is the Vice President and Provost of the Germantown campus and Collegewide STEM Unit at Montgomery College in Maryland.

Vice President Latimer serves as a co-principal investigator for the nearly $15 million federal TAACCCT grant awarded to create the Cyber Technology Pathways Across Maryland Consortium which addresses the shortfall of cybersecurity professionals. Under her guidance, a state-of-the art Cybersecurity Lab was opened on the Germantown campus to the praises of U.S. Secretaries Thomas Perez and Penny Pritzker.

In addition, Vice President Latimer champions the College’s state-of-the-art Bioscience Education Center on the Germantown campus as an avenue to educate a qualified and skilled workforce in the chemical and biological sciences. Summer campus, students, industries, and entrepreneurial start-ups are granted access to the latest technologies and research facilities.

As an innovator, Vice President Latimer welcomed the opportunity to integrate academics, business, and research through the creation of the Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at Montgomery College (PIC MC). PIC MC’s anchor resident partner, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, is the first hospital in the nation to be located on a college campus. The Germantown Innovation Center, the county’s premier space for life sciences, including wet labs and clean rooms, is also located on the Germantown campus.

Vice President Latimer has worked vigorously to secure the College’s place in Lockheed Martin’s Healthcare Technology Alliance, a first-of-its-kind alliance of industry, government and academia established to guide health care decisions. Furthermore, her forward thinking and cross-discipline knowledge, enabled Vice President Latimer to play a critical role in designing the ground breaking Translational Life Sciences and Technology degree.

Prior to her journey with Montgomery College, Vice President Latimer began her career conducting research at Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Center and Swales and Associates performing flight loads analysis for NASA’s Space Shuttle, including ERBE, COBE, ROSAT, TDRSS, and the Hubble Space Telescope.

Vice President Latimer holds Bachelor’s in Physics from University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon.

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Jeff Schinske

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foothill college logo

Friday, February 28

9:15 am

A Research-Based Strategy for Attending to Diversity and Inclusion when Building Curricular Resources

Jeff Schinske is the Biology Department Chair and an Anatomy and Physiology Instructor at Foothill College where he also conducts biology education research. He leads two federal grant programs: The Scientist Spotlights Initiative, which supports the development and dissemination of inclusive biology curricula, and CC Bio INSITES, which empowers community college biology faculty to conduct and publish education research. Jeff has authored numerous high-profile biology education research articles, is a member of the editorial board for CBE-Life Sciences Education, and serves as lead biology curriculum reviewer for C-ID, California’s statewide course articulation system. Jeff is a frequent featured speaker in the areas of discipline-based education research and STEM equity, and was the 2018 recipient of the national Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teaching Award from the Society for College Science Teachers.

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