
After completing this unit you will be able to: 

  • Examine a resource preview for errors. 
  • Complete the resource submission page. 


Your adapted resource is complete! The last step is opening the resource preview, checking for errors, and ticking some final boxes.

Throughout the module you probably made revisions to your draft after each knowledge check. You may still have a few errors to correct, but don't be surprised if you do not. The video walk-through will take you through the review process, highlighting key elements to check.


  1. Complete a review of your draft adaptation.
    1. Use the Adapting a Resource Knowledge Base article and material in this module as references.
  2. If you notice an error in the resource preview:
    1. Return to the submission tab of your browser.
    2. Navigate to the step where the error occurred.
    3. Correct the error. 
    4. Save. 
  3. When you have finished your review, complete the Knowledge Check.

Notes: knowledge check still works with minor revisions.


Putting it all Together

Submit the link to your drafted FMN final product. QUBES staff will review the resource using the same lists and best practices used in this module. They will then provide you with feedback before you submit.