Meet Our Team

Name Roles
Dr. A. Daniel Johnson, Ph.D. PI on the NSF IUSE project; lead author for website; project dissemination; codebook design; lead author on SWP Writing Resource Guide.
Dr. Jerid C. Francom, Ph.D. Co-PI on the NSF IUSE project; design of computational linguistics models; co-designer of data architecture.
Dr. Sabrina Setaro, Ph.D. Lead data scientist & creator of SAWHET v1; assessments development.
Mr. T. Ryan Price      Data collection, management, curation.
Mr. Evan Anway Coding and development of the SAWHET2 R Shiny application
Mr. Paul Braymen Exploratory analysis; evaluation of classifier models; automation of move analysis protocols
Dr. Zak Lancaster, Ph.D. Co-creation of move analysis model, codebook.
Dr. Laura Aull, Ph.D. Co-creation of move analysis model, codebook.


Project Supporters



The STEM Writing Project is an educational research project operating from the Dept. of Biology at Wake Forest University. Opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the project team and do not necessarily reflect official policies or positions of Wake Forest University.

This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #1712423. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Other Credits

Project Site Icons

Icons for the Six Elements are from the Noun Project, and used under terms of the Creative Commons license. Attributions for the specific icons are:

  • Writing Guide - Guide by Chintuza from
  • Training - Training by Langtik from
  • Diagnostics - Inspection by Oksana Latysheva from
  • Automated Support - Automated Document Updates by Juicy Fish from
  • Bins Scoring - Pages by Andrejs Kirma from
  • Coaching - Coaching by IconMark from
  • Assessment - Research by HideMaru from


Site Images

All site images have been licensed for non-commercial use from the original sources listed below.

  • Lecture hall:
  • Male student wanting help:
  • Tutor and one student:
  • Two disappointed female students:



The STEM Writing Project team would like to thank the undergraduate students and graduate teaching assistants who participated in the NSF project studies, and contributed materials to the report archive. Without them this project would not have been possible.


Created by Dan Johnson Last Modified Thu May 26, 2022 8:22 pm by Dan Johnson


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