"Big Data" 7 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Mapping Coral Bleaching Modified with NOAA and Authentic Bleaching data

Students access NOAA data to conduct an analysis to look at differences between locations in heat stress and ultimately the amount of coral bleaching in 2005

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Testing hypotheses about the role of wildfire in structuring avian communities

This module assesses the role of wildfire in the eastern US and its impact on bird communities using NEON bird survey data from pre- and post- a major wildfire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) in November 2016.

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Working with plant phenology data and fitting a nonlinear model using least squares in R

A participatory live-coding lesson on working with NEON phenology data and fitting a sine-wave model to determine when different species get and lose their leaves.

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Climate Change and Phenology: Evaluating Temperature, Precipitation, and Phenology of Frogs and Toads in Minnesota

Students evaluate long term (100+ years) trends in temperature and precipitation, and then isolate a shorter time span (20 years) in which to evaluate the correlation between spring temps and the earliest reported calling dates for MN frogs and toads

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Calling Bull in an Age of Big Data with R

Use the calling bull course to introduce students to data, ethics, visualization, and R.

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Mosquito Vector Ecology of the East Coast using NEON

This data module examines the relationship between mosquito vector ecology and climate across the east coast of the United States. The module is designed to merge core concepts in ecology with budding interests of the largely pre-heath student body.

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data

Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis

Students use small mammal data from the National Ecological Observatory Network to understand necessary steps of data management from data collection to data analysis by estimating small mammal population sizes using the Lincoln-Peterson model.

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Profile picture of Martha Solveig Torstenson

Martha Solveig Torstenson onto Big Data