Defenses against predation: Interpreting graphs of predator behavior

In this lesson, students discuss anti-predator defense mechanisms and the types of cues defenses provide to predators. Students then interpret graphs of behavior of arthropod predators when presented with different phenotypes of color polymorphic tortoise beetles. Finally, students view and reflect on an interview with Dr. Lynette Strickland, the biologist who collected the data that they interpreted.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A442

Introduction to Phylogenetic Trees for Comparative Genomic Analysis

In this activity, students are introduced to phylogenetic trees and networks as tools for analyzing evolutionary relationships.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Sexual Dimorphism CURE: Exploring Melanized Wing Patterns of Pieridae Butterflies

Teach a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) using digitized natural history collections data to test hypotheses on sexually dimorphic wing melanization patterns of Pieris rapae butterflies. This inclusive CURE can be implemented in in-person, online, and hybrid formats, synchronously or asynchronously, and requires only student access to a computer and the internet.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Measuring Size and Area of Digitized Specimens using ImageJ

Use ImageJ to analyze morphological characters in digital images of natural history specimens. Skills are transferable to many organisms and other morphological measurements.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Phylogenetic analysis using collections material: interpreting trait evolution by comparison of morphological and molecular genetic hypotheses

Exercise spans two weeks, includes homework, and involves some groups of animals as well as plants. Emphasizes re-interpretation of morphological trait evolution following molecular genetic phylogeny reconstruction

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Testing hypotheses about the role of wildfire in structuring avian communities

This module assesses the role of wildfire in the eastern US and its impact on bird communities using NEON bird survey data from pre- and post- a major wildfire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) in November 2016.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Passion-Driven Statistics

E-book in .pdf format and customizable .iba format

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273

Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis

Modules to learn big data management, analysis, and hypothesis testing.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A273