
Current effort of the Undergraduate Immunology Education Consortium

Status: Statements have been revised based on feedback from an initial survey and focus groups.  Second survey for feedback on revised statements will go out XXXXX

Description: The need to focus on undergraduate Immunology education has been strongly recognized and advocated for recently. In response to this need, our working group has identified and written several fundamental concepts and example learning outcomes. We have also aligned these statements with core concepts listed in "Vision and Change for Undergraduate Biology Education" document, AAAS, 2011 (https://live-visionandchange.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Revised-Vision-and-Change-Final-Report.pdf". Establishment of these guidelines is consistent with pedagogical practices that emphasize conceptual understanding of the subject over rote memorization and provides a framework needed to introduce students to immunology at any level; non-majors, general biology majors or pre-medicine and pre-allied health majors. We are gathering feedback on these statements from the community of educators, in an attempt to reach consensus regarding the fundamental concepts in Immunology that are critical for undergraduate students to comprehend. If you would like to know more about our project, then please contact members of our task force. 
