Join Active Learning Week 2018!
Active Learning Week was initiated in 2016 by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as a national effort to incorporate active teaching and learning strategies in STEM classrooms. Now, it is a joint initiative of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, and 100Kin10 – focusing on ensuring that all active learning practices are culturally responsive and fully grounded in the lived experiences of students of all races/ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses.
We invite you to join Active Learning Week by pledging to integrate culturally responsive active learning into your classroom, institution, and/or organization. It can be as simple as spending 10 minutes on active learning in your classroom, or promoting Active Learning Week with your colleagues and networks. To get started, please visit our website to take the pledge, join a webinar, access resources, and share your experiences.