
Spring 2021 FMN Announcement: Scientists Spotlights and Data Nuggets Faculty Mentoring Network

Scientists Spotlights and Data Nuggets FMN

Applications Due: December 11, 2020

If you want to feature diverse scientists and their data and learn to make podcasts and videos, this is the group for you. Our group has been working this fall and has gathered many resources for the project.  You will have access to all our resources and the guidance of people who have thought about this.  Participants will create new resources for their courses that feature diverse scientists.

Apply now to join the Spring 2021 Scientists Spotlights and Data Faculty Mentoring Network. Applications are due Dec. 11, 2020.  Check out for more information and instructions on how to apply.

Participants should commit to the following:

  • Participate in the full FMN through the Spring 2021 semester
  • Create and pilot one or more scientist spotlights in your class
  • Share materials on QUBES

It is important that all participants are able to commit to the full experience. The greatest benefits of these experiences are generated in the interactions with colleagues. Your contributions will be critical to the success of this program. 

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