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- Feature diverse scientists and their data and learn to make podcasts and videos
- Create new resources for your courses that feature diverse scientists
- Pat Marsteller, Emory University
- Sarah Prescott, BioQUEST; University of New Hampshire
- Suann Yang, State University of New York College at Geneseo
Final Products
In this lesson, students plot data and interpret graphs of the metabolic responses of fish to hypoxic conditions. Then, students view and reflect on an interview with fish ecophysiologist Benjamin Negrete, Jr., who collected the data that they graph.
Lizard cold tolerance and extreme weather events: a scientist spotlight featuring Dr. Shane Campbell-Staton
Version: 1.0
Students interpret experimental and observational data about patterns in cold tolerance in the green anole. They reflect on the experience and identity of the lead researcher based on a video presentation about the study and interview with the author.
Students use published scientific data to determine which types of nanoparticles would be best to use to deliver cytotoxic drugs directly to cancer cells. Then they learn about the scientist who generated the data.
Students read and interpret data from a study which addresses how urbanization affects the invasive attributes of a non-native species. They also reflect on the identity of the lead researcher and how systemic racism has shaped his experiences.
Maintenance of Phenotypic Polymorphism and a Scientist Spotlight Featuring Dr. Swanne Gordon
Version: 1.0
In this lesson students interpret graphical evidence of frequency-dependent selection in the wood tiger moth, then make long-term evolutionary predictions. They then read and reflect on an interview with researcher Dr. Swanne Gordon.
Dr. Christopher Schell is an ecologist who uses a variety of techniques to study mammalian carnivores in urban areas. This scientist spotlight uses graphs from his study on parental habituation to human disturbance in coyotes.
Understanding Action Potential and Frequency Coding using Scientist Spotlight and Data Nuggets
Version: 1.0
The main crux of this activity is to integrate three existing frameworks including ideas of the Scientist Spotlight Initiative, build and solidify the quantitative reasoning skills in our students and to integrate primary literature.
A Scientist Spotlight Featuring Dr. Danielle Brown
Version: 1.0
A Scientist Spotlight-style assignment designed to introduce students to themes of quantitative biology, field research, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. Includes Teaching Notes, sample assignments, and link to video interview.